Monday, January 23, 2012

Instant RePray

Have you ever come across a prayer you wrote in the past, and you realize you could have written the very same prayer today?

Here is one I found a while back and taped up in my is dated 07/07/80:

O Father, I make a promise to you today:

I will trust that you are in control of my life totally.
I will ask your help and direction in every matter.
I will have no part of or fellowship with doubt.

Forgive my lack of trust,
       my giving ear to the accusations of Satan,
             my lounging in doubts.

You are my life!

I praise your name.

Thank you that you inhabit that praise.  (Psalm 22:3, KJV)

Friday, January 20, 2012

Camping Angel

                       The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him,
                              and he delivers them. (Psalm 34:7)


I have been “camping” on this verse quite a bit lately. One reason is that I pray often for my youngest daughter, Corrie, who is currently living and teaching in Bogota, Colombia. As a mom, of course, I would like to live closer to her, but Tom and I have no plans for such a move.

At my desk in front of me is a board on which I pin various pictures and papers and lists. Inspired by this verse written by David, I have a picture that reminds me that God’s angels are “encamping” around Corrie. This was taken on the front porch of an artist friend of mine in Montgomery, Alabama.

As you see, the angel (sculpted by my friend) is in close proximity to Corrie. She is right there with her all the time. When I get up from the desk and can no longer see the picture, that angel is still right there beside her. She is camping with her for the duration, and she is never distracted.

What a comfort this is to me as a mom.

I hope this picture can also remind you that God’s angels are encamped around you too as you go through your day today.